February 2006 Archives

RBC - Recycled Butt Corn

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RBCWhy has no one thought of the greatness of recycling corn from the butt until now? For centuries, people have been wasting their time biting corn off the cob and squirting others causing them to poop in anger. Or struggling on getting the corn off with a knife or butt juicer. The worst part is they see it in there poop and just flush it away without a thought! Well the boys over at Bangzees have mastered the perfect blend of butt juice and corn processed through your system.

So how does it work you ask?

Buttcorn Formula

Pretty simple, eh? The process you don't see pictured is so complex that many men died from poop smell overdose in the sifting stages.

Who's crap do you pick to take corn from?

Only the finest are chosen. Each person is hand selected by Chris. Chris has had a passion for recycling butt corn ever since he was a young pimp eating the corn straight from hot sluts poop. He has his eyes opened 24/7 for prospective corn crappers. He can spot corny poop from anywhere while you just see a hot girl and another girls underwear.

Does it look the same after being processed, canned, and re-heated?

Just add a little butter and your tasting nothing like you have ever tasted before. Perfection.

I had first heard about butt corn when I was playing a trivia game with a few of my boys. Butt corn would pop up every now and then. We laughed about it for maybe 2 hours but realized it wasn't something our mothers would approve of so we talked about farts instead. I forgot about it and it was out of my life.

I did not find out about RBC's greatness until I went to a basketball game recently. It was a litte different, and I would feel uncomfortable going to school there. But they sure did like their buttcorn and got me addicted to it quickly.

I am eating this stuff up everyday like it is myspace or something. We're talking 3 or 4 cans just for breakfast. I bought B a few cans for his 21st birthday. Gave Grown Ass a few and he was jumping around everywhere for hours, celebrating his new found love for the greatest product ever. At one point he even accidentally pissed on B's bed with joy. I walked in on a porn party yesterday and they all had a can. And oh man, the 40oz cans are perfect for a little snack.

Even Lee Hotti and his boys are going crazy for Recycled Butt Corn.

RBC is in stores everywhere nationwide. I suggest getting a case of it for the weekend.
