December 05, 2004

Community Service is a Joke

Broom & Dust PanI started my community service the first day back to school after Thanksgiving break. I wasn't sure where it was and had to take a crap the whole time walking. I get in the building, go left, then right as I was told on the phone. At this point I have to poop bad. Then I see these steps. I let out a fart half way and I thought I got wetness but all was good, I checked. I get in, and this lady asks If I am there for community service. She then hands me a broom and dustpan and tells to go to the alley in front of this club 6 blocks away and sweep up trash and cigarettes and crap. Once I was done with that she told me to go sweep an entire back street sidewalk. I did about 45 minutes of work, and went back after an hour and a half and she let me leave a half hour earlier because she could tell by my face that it was freezing outside.

The next time I did community service I got to prepare mass mail in some large storage cubicle. I walked in and a table was setup for me. I was to put these two brochures into an envelope, label it, stamp it, then seal it. Why I took pictures of every step is beyond me. I'll do what I want so shut up.

The lady came to me at like 4pm and said she was leaving and when I am done to take the envelopes outside and put them in the big mail box down the street. I had to work until 5pm and got tired of doing the same thing. I also think that is when I took all the useless pictures. I got bored and started switching things up. I'd put labels on sideways, and stamps too. I also decided to write my website on the paper from the stamps and put it in some of the envelopes. I got done and was thinking about throwing all the envelopes down the stairs and taking a cool picture but I took it too early and then someone appeared at the bottom. I crapped liquid poo on their face, cleaned up with a few envelopes and put them in the mailbox.

My AA is a complete joke. I walk in a house, sit down on a couch, play with these cats and watch one hour videos on people drinking, driving, crashing, killing, crying, etc. I have 2 more hours of AA and community service then I am done.

My Thanksgiving break was pretty good. First night back we pulled out the old Nintendo Powerpad. Everyone was pretty good at it except this joke and his pants. I think he figured he would be good at it since his jeans were older than a Nintendo. But instead it made him slow and gave him the itchy butthole disease. There isn't enough paper towel in the world to cure it so he just cried. We could never beet Cheetah and played it for hours. Cheetah will get his ass kicked one day.

I came back to school with some food and a not so secret candy drawer. That is a first and it is almost gone after a few days.

I had $105 for my AA and setup, but I spent $10 throughout this week. I got offered $23 to eat this chinese fat peanut poop shit. I couldn't do it and I threw up immediatly. My last AA class is Tuesday and that is when the money is due. I need to find some way to get $10.

This picture is sweet because I blend in with my pants and shirt. Aren't I cool and you a slutty joke?

Friday night and all Saturday morning I hung out with these guys. Played some small broom pool and chilled. It was a crazy night and at 6am we drove to Cooper's Rock and watched the sun come out. One of the coolest and coldest mornings of my life.

It's been a while since I posted and that is all I really have for you. Not much really has gone on. I'll leave you with some really nice cleavage to get excited over.

Posted by Todd on December 5, 2004 10:35 PM


you know it's sad that the only pic you have of my bed has three guys on it. Thank you asshole.

Posted by: The Other Todd on December 6, 2004 12:08 AM

Coopers Rock is Teh 0wn

Posted by: God on December 6, 2004 12:33 AM

Sweet, my ideas are always awesome.

Kick it security code.

Posted by: God on December 8, 2004 12:39 AM

I Like Pussy!

Posted by: I Like Pussy Boy on December 8, 2004 10:31 PM

Stop posting dad, you're embarassing me.

Posted by: Jesus on December 9, 2004 01:34 AM

I stabith Thee! but no seriously, block the IP of the pussy lover, or the jesus poser.

Its just not funny.

Posted by: God on December 9, 2004 04:24 AM

STOP BANGING ON MY FUCKING WALL!!! Anyways, I like having you as a neighbor. I think your website's HOT!!! If I'm ever too loud, just bang back on the wall.


Posted by: Lauren on December 11, 2004 03:27 PM

my jeans werent that bad

Posted by: B on December 13, 2004 01:24 AM

wheres the 400 hunder beat!!!!!!!!!!!
i like to fly airplanes
todd morrison is a goof ball
he is a bozo deluxe
bye bye

Posted by: beater mcbeatskis on December 16, 2004 12:26 PM

t-mo, dawg, its been awhile, been down living in florida with my buddy, its been good, i tried to send you 10$ by way iof that pay pal shit....but dude, it was way too hard...seriously...and i want to know if you have any more shirts for sale cuz mine got all f-in bleached and hit me back...and get a new way for people to make donations, pay pal is just too damn hard

Posted by: matt stine on December 26, 2004 12:07 PM

it would be cool if you fuckin updated every once and a while like you used to. this site was cool. what happened?! i check quite often for updates, get a laugh or two but lately youre going downhill. nice, but infrequent

Posted by: on January 4, 2005 04:26 PM

ur fuckin funny, keep up the good work. slutbag.

Posted by: Tim on March 29, 2005 02:02 PM

This is the Shitties website I have ever seen in my whole intire life. Grow up and get a fucking life. By the way I could kick your ass at drinking. I drink 2 cases every night with 2 other people. You ain't shit to me..........PEACE

Posted by: Adkins on March 30, 2005 12:26 PM

Big thank

Posted by: information lasix on August 31, 2006 09:48 AM

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