May 16, 2005

How to be a cool kid

Be cool, pop your collar like a faggot!

I always wanted to know how to be so damn cool until a few days ago when I figured it out. Ever since I learned the secrets of awesomeness I have gotten so much totally sweet attention. If you want to be cool like me do the following:

A. You MUST get your hair as high in the front as possible.

B. Must always wear a collared shirt, of course with the collar up in the air.

C. Wear a 2nd collared shirt, also popped up.

D. This is what most people forget to do. Wear a third collared shirt popped up. Very necessary if you want to be cool.

E. Whatever article of clothing it is, you must always wear something pink. In my case I don't own a pink collared shirt so I borrowed my moms. It already smelled pretty so there was no need to wear cologne to attrack all the boys to the yard.

F. Always make cool hand signs. The more signs people don't understand the better. And you can also use those to stick into your butt.

I searched on the internet for fellow collar poppers who love being so damn cool. Here are some of the coooolest!

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

See how totally cool they are? Why doesn't everyone just pop their collars? Maybe because it is totally homo.

I get mad seeing people with their collars popped. Makes them look even more cocky and stupid. I farted out a huge one when I saw the picture of the collar popped on a display. If I ever see someone with their name on their collar I am going to shit my pants again and jump on a sword.

It's been a week since my freshman year at WVU has ended. I miss it a lot. Home is really boring all the time. I miss my RA Kim(she is so sexy), the long hallway, and all the dust that would develop on my testicles. I am going to miss all the people, drinking with my boy Nic, butts, girls in duct tape thongs, and people thinking it is something cool to meet me.

I got a 2.1GPA. F in History 101, C in Communications in Contemporary Society, C in Sociology, and an A in Computer Science. Did worse than my last semester 2.6. But I had fun and fun is fun when it is fun, slut.

So what have I been doing at home? Nothing really until I start working again next week. Chilled in a big garage and worked on my new Jeep. Too bad it isn't really mine.

Went to B's family reunion with Mike at a really nice cabin on Friday. Tried to kill some coons, but it is too hard with a baseball bat. I also got to see my boy who teaches in Martinsburg, WV. All in all it was a decent weekend for not doing much.

Quick, guess who with the gay pose? Yeah. I hate those piss stains, too.

I started this on May 15th, and now it is May 16th - my 19th birthday. I got $30 from my mom on Friday with a message saying here's a cheesecake I probably won't see you until Tuesday. Birthdays are so useless anymore. For some reason I thought I would get a decent amount of money for my birthday to pay off my $400+ credit card bill, but I lied to myself. Damn.

I just got this email:

tim ocallaghan thought you might be interested in this Yahoo! Image Search result.

tim ocallaghan added this message:
i highly sugggest u post this somwhere on the site, i stumbled acrossed it and have had nightmares about IT ever since. imagine if u awoke and this IT was sitting in ur room just glaring at u! what the fuck!

Here's the picture. I don't think it beats my mangirl, though. She can't be beat. If I woke up and IT was glaring at me I would get wood then crap on IT. Can anyone top my mangirl? I don't think it can be done.

What's that, Chris? That's my boy. Oh really, Coach? I love grown ass slut faces!

Happy Birthday to me. I spent my first hours of it typing to you slutty kids. I <3 You.

Posted by Todd on May 16, 2005 02:15 AM



Posted by: MATT on May 17, 2005 02:38 PM

i look messed up in that picture! hahaHA

Posted by: B on May 18, 2005 02:02 AM

i'm blazed

Posted by: half oz on May 18, 2005 02:03 AM

Fuck you !. You are nothing but a tool.

Posted by: i love pussy boy on May 18, 2005 04:36 AM

Looks like your GPA reflects too much couch burning this semester.

Posted by: Ken on May 19, 2005 01:39 PM

Nice, Curry is the man. Tom Beringer's #1 fan.
B u need a mullet. Also we need to get Coach, Vince, Chris, Curry, Matt, Mark out to the camp this summer.

Posted by: Chase on May 19, 2005 06:45 PM

thanks for putting me on again slut.

chicks fucking love me.

you are the best t-mo

Posted by: Chris P on May 19, 2005 10:40 PM

Hey Todd! Happy (Belated) birthday! E-mail me, bitch. :)

Posted by: Rita on May 21, 2005 07:39 PM

fuck you i love pussy boy, your just a cheap rip off of the original. in the words of rick vaughn, 'real fuckin funny asshole!'

Posted by: I Like Pussy Boy on May 21, 2005 10:25 PM

Happy Belated Birthday Todddy ;)

Posted by: Kacie on May 28, 2005 12:51 AM

Captions totally kick ass!

Posted by: Steve on May 30, 2005 03:23 AM

Am I right?

Posted by: Altoona Luna on May 30, 2005 02:37 PM

i love you me

Posted by: Gail (Chris O'Konski's Mom) on May 30, 2005 09:09 PM

u r just showing ppl how to be FUCKING STUPID....u look so fuck gay, u dick loving cum eater...learn how to be a man..not sum gay fuck stick..

Posted by: scott on April 25, 2006 06:40 PM

Scott's gay.

Yeah, hi, kthxbai.

Posted by: on June 5, 2006 08:32 PM

That shit was a riot... Keep it coming

Posted by: CRAY on July 12, 2006 10:31 AM

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