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T o d d M o r r i s o n . c o m

The Content

Favorite Posts
Recycled Butt Corn
How to be Cool
WVU Fire Elite 8
PBS Intoxication Ticket

Boris on Morris
Team Tutorials
MLY Stars Wiffleball
Matt Velez Wiffleball
Mark Peterson Stories

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The Mangirl
The Mangirl
2003 - Forever
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I am still alive, I think...
I'm 21, finally got a car, and love buttcorn
Spring Break in Miami - underaged
Who needs real college?
Stink butt supreme burrito with cream chunks
I am a big liar but you all still love me
I suck
Once a month fruit punch
Wheeling plans for amusement park
Titles are overrrated with 3 R's
Facebook Birthday Reminder vol. 9er
Ode to Summer
Another fun Charleston trip
RBC - Recycled Butt Corn
Milk into Wine
Poopy Butt
Live Love Pluck a Dove
The Stars are Projectors of Buttjuice
Camera on Loan
Unexistant to life
Shit my pants set in it to go home
Just another day to not play
A Lot of Nothing
How to be a cool kid
I bought a new camera
New York City, Camera-less
It was a good run
The Aftermath
What a fun night
Let's Go Mountaineers
Florida for the weekend
Grand Theft Auto II = The Shit
I got a little bit of nothing
It's been a while
Community Service is a Joke
The Secret Toilet Pubes
PBS and Intoxication don't mix
Better start dancing now
I shit myself this morning
Well hello strangers
What a great day
I'm a master-baiter
Yeah, I know. You are a joke.
Freddy chills with the boys
I'm back, after a month of nothing
May 2004
April 2004
Host switched servers, so I had to reinstall scripts resulting in the archiving system taking a big crap. It split April's archives into two.
April 2004
March 2004
February 2004
January 2004
December 2003
November 2003
October 2003
September 2003
August 2003
July 2003

Here are the old old-archives from before my site got shut down: January 2003 - February 2003

March, April, and all comments got screwed up in the mess of deletion.

I have individually linked all the lost posts below.

The lost March 2003 and April 2003 posts: March 03 - March 09 - March 17 - March 23 - March 28 - April 01 - April 08 - WHEN SITE SHUT DOWN

All posts from 2000 to 2002 don't even exist because I didn't have this host or posting system.

insert useless shit here... nah i'll save that for the very bottom because i am 1337!!!!!

Site has existed since 2000, slut.
The internet's 873,495th favorite site!!!
Posting powered by MovableType.
Screw a copyright, your mom tastes better.